Welcome to
Rest Easy Hypnotherapy
making change, success & rest easy...

Do you have?
Stress, Anxiety, Panic or Depression
Chronic Pain or Inflammation
Weight problems or Food Addiction
Addictions– smoking, vaping, sugar and other foods, alcohol, some drug dependence (some are not suitable for hypnotherapy), gambling, shopping and spending, and other forms of compulsive habits and behaviours.
Sleep difficulties and insomnia
Chronic Fears & Phobias
Experienced physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse
Complex traumas and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anger Issues
Hi! I'm Cara Beltrame
I am a registered Clinical Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic practitioner, specializing in helping you to make real and ongoing change to your life, and achieve your goals.
I hold a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP from the Australian College of Hypnotherapy (ACH).I hold current registration with Australia's two national Hypnotherapy governing bodies: The AHA and ASCH.
I am a registered OldPain2Go® practitioner. and qualified to treat various forms of Chronic Pain disorders.
I am also a Sleep & Insomnia Coach, having studied sleep hygiene tools and techniques through Mindvalley® .
I have helped thousands of peole heal complex trauma and trauma wounds though modalities such as Timeline Therapy® , EMDR, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting® .
Check out the TREATMENTS page to find out more. Scroll below for some further information on my specialised treatment areas, or call me anytime on +61 0408 374 161 to find out more about how I can help you.

GROVEDALE: @ Geelong Bowen & Remedial Therapies Clinic,
309 Torquay Road, Grovedale (cnr Heyers Rd)
GEELONG: 88 Gheringhap Street, Geelong VIC 3217
TORQUAY SURFCOAST area, and online via Zoom

Now taking appointments in 3 convenient locations:

What can Hypnotherapy & NLP help with?
Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP is used for medical, psychological and dental purposes.
I can create a specilised treatment program for you.
Hypnotherapy is effective for for just about anything because a treatment program can be tailored to your individual needs.
Stress, anxiety, panic or depression
Pain management & inflammation disorders – trained in OldPain2Go® treatment modality.
Food Freedom & Weight management
Addiction management – smoking, vaping, sugar and other foods, alcohol, some drug dependence (some are not suitable for hypnotherapy), gambling, shopping and spending, and other forms of compulsive habits and behaviours.
Sleep difficulties and insomnia.
Anger Management
Chronic Fears & phobias
Fear of Public Speaking and Singing
Healing physical, mental or sexual abuse
Complex traumas and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Grieving & loss
Self-esteem & self-confidence
Increasing motivation & performance
Memory improvement & concentration
Children: bed wetting, nail biting, thumb sucking, resistance to trying new foods, fear of vomiting, and various other fears and phobias.
Fertility, pregnancy and birth management
Sexual disorders including healing from sexual assault, erectile disfunction, sex addiction, vaginismus and many more.
Pre/post-surgical and dental procedures